Mayumi interprets your speeches and presentations during global conferences, media interviews, business meetings, assists you as exhibitors to communicate with customers at exhibitions to make sure your messages would be accurately delivered to people that you want to deliver.
Most of her projects are confidential hence only the ones that clients allowed to make public have been shared below.
For more information, please contact by Email or via Inquiry Form.

Past Engagements
Media Interviews
October 2019 Suntec Convention Centre
Assisted a Japanese publisher Nikkei BP with translation during ITS World Congress 2019 which Mobility As A Service (MAAS) such as shared taxis & bikes was discussed and drone taxi was introduced.

September 2019 Gardens By The Bay
Such an honour to be invited by Japan Creative Centre from The Embassy of Japan to assist the Bonsai master Mr. Mori who has been appointed by The Agency for Cultural Affairs (Jpn Gov.) as a Japan Cultural Envoy.
在シンガポール日本大使館のJapan Creative Centre (JCC)が実施する文化交流会にて、日本政府文化庁より一年間文化交流使として任命されている盆栽師、森様のプレゼンテーション通訳をさせて頂きました。日本が誇る伝統文化の一つを海外に伝えるお手伝いができ、とても光栄です。

November 2017 MUJI Plaza Singapura
MUJI Cafe and Melas invited the producer of Kuromame (black beans) used for their original black bean tea. I was the translator of Mr. Ozawa from Tamba Sasayama Nijiiro Nouen of Hyogo during his presentation of how he grows his top quality black beans.
「丹波の黒豆」で有名な丹波篠山の黒豆茶と黒玄米茶を使用したワークショップがMUJI Cafe & Mealsで開催され、

Media Interviews
September 2015 Paragon
Translator to the President of MUJI (Ryohin Keikaku Co.Ltd. ) Mr. Satoru Matsuzaki and the chief designer, Mr. Nobuyuki Tanimoto during the renewal opening ceremony of MUJI Paragon.
シンガポール初MUJI Cafe & Meal のオープンに合わせて、MUJI Paragonがリニューアルオープニングしました。

Media Interviews
October 2014 Dempsey Hills
Translator to the President of Henri Charpentier, Mr. Goki Arita during the media interviews in regards to the opening of their first cafe outside Japan.
創業者である株式会社シュゼット 代表取締役社長 蟻田 剛毅様のメディア会見の通訳をさせて頂きました。
Photo : Image from Henri Charpentier

Expo / Fair
September 2019 Marina Bay Sands
Assisted in translation during business meetings and promoting health and beauty supplements of Sato Yakuhin Kogyo Co.Ltd for two days during VitaFoods 2019.

Business Meeting
October 2018 Regent Hotel Singapore
It was my pleasure assisting both parties from Japan and Malaysia as an interpreter for signing the agreement relating biomass projects.
Photo : Image

Expo / Fair
January 2017 Marina Bay Sands
Translator to the sales team of Fuji Gallery during Art Stage Singapore 2017, to help deliver messages and passion of the artist Takao Abe.

Dinner Gala
October 2014 Capella Sentosa
Translator to the Vice President of All Nippon Airways Holdings (ANA) during the dinner gala and a panel discussion organized by Centre of Aviation (CAPA).
Congratulations on winning the award of "Asia Pacific Airlines of the Year"
航空コンサルティング会社CAPA主催のDinner GalaにてANAホールディング副社長様の通訳としてアテンドさせて頂きました。Asia Pacific Airlines of the Yearの受賞おめでとうございます。
Photo : Image

Media Interview
July 2014 Vivo City
Translator to the Chairman of MUJI's parent company - Ryohin Keikaku Co.Ltd. -
Mr. Masaaki Kanai during the media interviews in regards to the opening of MUJI Vivocity.
MUJI VivoCity店オープンに伴い、株式会社良品計画代表取締役会長、金井政明様のシンガポールメディア会見にて通訳を担当させて頂きました。
Photo : Image from Straight Times


Expo Bilingual Promotor
Mr. Tomohiro Sato
Sato Yakuhin Kogyo Co., Ltd Director Overseas Sales Division
佐藤薬品工業株式会社 取締役 佐藤様